Friday, December 30, 2005

My new life

From now on:

I will make all of my own decisions
I will not play fifty dollar poker games
I will go to the gym every day possible
I will not skip class
I will do all of my homework, on time
I will not eat out more than twice a week
I will go to at least one concert a month
I will keep a better log of the fraternity's transactions
I will give a serious report every week at Exec. board meetings
I will eat at least two, full feals a day
I will study my Greek flash cards every night during winter session, and every night before class during spring semester
I will make a better effort to hang around North Hall
I will keep my door open as often as possible
I will play my guitar everyday
I will keep track of my personal transactions
I will only drive other people's vehicles when absolutely necessary
I will purchase a new cd a month from Relative Theory

I may never look at this list again, but it hopefully represents the fact that I plan on living well when I get back to college. No more skipping class for two days straight for no reason other than sleeping in. No more eating at Wendy's every night for a week. No more drifting through. No more regrets.

Back to school in a couple days

I wonder if my college friends like bowling?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude! i fucking love bowling (although i must admit i suck.) when i was living in bloomington my roommates and i would make a huge dinner for ourselves and whatever friends felt like dining with us, then we'd go to dollar bowling night. ($1 games, $1 shoes, $1 beers. it was sweet.) i'd be down for bowling any time.

10:29 PM  

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