Thursday, March 16, 2006

Passing Through Unconscious States

The past seven or eight days have quite possibly been my best here at college yet. I've had so much fun, got a lot of work done, and have met a whole slew of new people. Ashlee and Laura came to Va Beach for their Spring Break, and I had a blast hanging out with them while they were here. They came on campus Wednesday night and we partied it up in the B-suite, until someone had a little too much to drink and needed to call it quits for the night. It was good though, everybody has those one of those nights at some point, and I got to chat with Ashlee for a while whilst taking care of her. Thursday I recouped from partying the night before only to party a little more that night (although I forgot exactly what I did that night. All I know is I had a good time, haha). Friday I got to hang out with Ashlee, Laura, Aaron, ad Nikki again, this time for most of the day. We did various things along the strip and the Oceanfront, and had a relaxing evening in the hotel room. I woke up slightly disoriented wondering for a moment how I woke up in a hotel room, but soon regained my bearings. After saying goodbye, I came back to campus for one hell of a night. Me, Drew, and Chris went to the Basketball game (which we won...Final Four Baby!!!) and that was a blast. Then the revelry began, as we party hopped around Village 3 from North Hall to the apartments to the townhouses. At some point that night I actually drunk dialed my sister, which mom wasn't too happy about. I don't think I ever drank that much in one night in my life, and although I ended the night on the toliet for about an hour, I'd say it was totally worth it. Village 3 was a massive party, and I got to partake in the festivities.

Come to think of it, I don't really remember exactly what happened the past couple days (maybe because I am currently at the tail end of an all-nighter and can't really remember much of anything right now). All I remember is the feeling that I had a great time! I got to see close friends from home, party with college friends here, and after all that I still had time to finish my midterms. Last Week = College Success Story.

I'm left now with a sense of longing, however, and maybe this past week is only going to cause me problems when I can't relive those moments for a long time, if ever.

Man, whatever. I feel pumped! Spring Break is going to rock, If all goes according to plan, Joe and I will be making the Mid-Atlantic College tour, topping it off with a weekend at Virginia Tech. Who could ask for anything more?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did you stop blogging?

7:22 PM  

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